
78rpm Records Wanted

I am always interested in buying good collections of 78rpm records and phonograph cylinders within the UK, but ONLY if they are mainly music hall, personality or spoken word.
In general I am looking for recordings made before 1925.
With the passing years, there are far more 78s around than collectors to buy them.
However, if you have any of the records described on this page, it is always worth sending your list, as you may be pleasantly surprised by my offer if I find some rarities amongst your records.

Wanted picture Wanted picture

If you have any records with labels like those shown in the picture above, I am particularly interested in purchasing them. Minimum offer for vocal "Berliner" records in fair condition like those in the left hand picture is GBP25.

Top Prices paid for rare early Music Hall Discs and Cylinders

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I am particularly looking for records of British Music Hall artists on 78 rpm discs as well as on phonograph cylinders. Artist names include Ben Albert, Wilkie Bard, Herbert Campbell, Kate Carney, Harry Champion, Albert Chevalier, Tom Costello, Whit Cunliffe, Herbert Darley, Dorrie Dene,Gus Elen, Fred Elton, Florrie Forde, Harry Fragson, Lil Hawthorn, Alec Hurley, Nelson Jackson, Hetty King, R G Knowles, Lillie Langtry, George Lashwood, Little Tich, Dan Leno, Alice Lloyd, Marie Lloyd, Sam Mayo, Victoria Monks, Pat Rafferty, Harry Randall, Phil Ray, Arthur Rigby, Ella Retford, Malcolm Scott, Ernest Shand, Mark Sheridan, Eugene Stratton, Vesta Tilley, Vesta Victoria.

I am particularly looking for records of British Music Hall artists on 78 rpm discs as well as on phonograph cylinders.
The records I am looking for often carry the word "comic", "comedian" or similar description on the label. (See annotated picture below)
Wanted picture
Depending on Artist, rarity and condition, my offer will typically range between 2 and 50 pounds sterling each for early (pre 1920) music hall records.

If you have any such records for sale

please go to my:Enquiries page

And tell me:

- How many records you have (as a rough guide 100 records equals one foot of shelf space)
- Type of music (music hall/rock'n'roll etc.)
- Whereabouts the records are located (nearest post town or first part of postcode, for example IP10, is fine).

Sorry but due to time constraints, enquiries without the above information will not receive a reply.

If you have a list of your records, send these in your message either as plain text or as an Excel/Word (.xls or .doc) or PDF attachment only.

If you have a lot of records and can't face typing a long list, then just send me a few sample titles and artists, or a few photos of the labels.

I will then get back to you, to let you know if I am interested in buying them. Please be patient for a reply, as I get many enquiries to answer.

To help you I am specifically looking for MUSIC HALL (comic songs) records on these or similar age (pre 1920) labels:

Wanted picture Wanted picture Wanted picture Wanted picture Wanted picture Wanted picture Wanted picture Wanted picture Wanted picture Wanted picture Wanted picture Wanted picture Wanted picture Wanted picture Wanted picture Wanted picture Wanted picture Wanted picture Wanted picture Wanted picture Wanted picture Wanted picture Wanted picture Wanted picture
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